Bone Broth & Egg- Rosol z Jajkiem
2 oxtail bones
2 chicken or turkey legs, wings, necks
5 celery leaf stalks
5 large carrots (peeled & cut in half)
2 large onions (cut in half)
2 bay leaves
Salt and pepper
- Add oxtail bones, chicken or turkey legs, wings, or necks, celery, carrots, onions, and bay leaves to large pot (7.5 litres)
- Add water to cover ingredients, approximately 20 cups
- Bring to a boil and simmer for 3 hours, skimming impurities off the top
- Remove all ingredients out of the broth and set aside
- Cut carrots, celery and onion into smaller pieces and set aside for future use for vegetable soup. Remove all meat from bones.
- In separate pot pour in broth for consumption. Bring to a boil.
- Crack two eggs and beat in a bowl. Pour beaten eggs into boiling soup. Simmer for 1 minute.
Smell, taste, enjoy. Be mindful of the food you eat.