The Importance of Minerals

What are Minerals?

Minerals in many ways keep our bodies functioning at their best by helping us get and stay healthy. Minerals “always occur in nature, they are solid and are inorganic (composed of matter other than plant or animal)”. They have a crystal structure and each mineral has a unique chemical composition. Minerals make their way into the foods we eat by being absorbed by plants and animals, which we then eat. Minerals are elements found in foods that are needed in order for our bodies to develop and function normally. They are essential to combat fatigue, increase energy, and improve cognition. It’s also important that these Essential Minerals such calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, chromium, copper, fluoride, molybdenum, manganese, and selenium stay in balance in our body.

What are minerals good for?

Minerals are good for us for many reasons and help our body in:
Regulating fluid balance
Allowing for muscle relaxation, movement and contractions
Regulating fluid balance
Healing wounds and damaged tissues
Carrying oxygen throughout the body
Maintaining normal blood pressure levels

Food Sources- Foods rich in minerals include:

Magnesium: Avocado, bananas, potatoes, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, leafy greens, artichokes, whole grains, beans and legumes, dark chocolate, some fish.

Potassium — bananas, sweet potatoes, spinach, lentils, orange juice, most beans, peas, beets

Calcium — yogurt, kefir, raw milk, cheese, canned sardines, leafy greens like mustard greens or kale, broccoli almonds, parsley, legumes.

Iron — clams, egg yolks, legumes, dark leafy greens, organ meats ie: chicken or beef liver, red meats, fish, poultry,

Iodine — cod and tuna, seaweed, sea vegetables, shellfish, sea salt

Copper — shellfish, organ meats, spirulina, mushrooms, dark chocolate, leafy greens, nuts, seeds

Signs of Mineral Deficiencies

A few signs of mineral deficiencies may include fatigue, headaches, poor sleep muscle cramps, and tightness, irregular or heavy periods, hair thinning, constipation appetite changes ,bruising easily, fluid retention and skin conditions such as acne or eczema.

The mineral deficiencies can be brought on by consuming sodas, alcohol, coffee, water with low mineral content, lack of mineral rich foods.

In conclusion minerals are nutrients that we get from eating a balanced diet. These minerals are consumed by animals and plants which we in turn eat. The best way to prevent a deficiency is to eat a variety of whole foods, and supplement with minerals if necessary.


Smell, Taste, Enjoy. Be Mindful of the Food You Eat!
